Our Vision
To create an environment for our people, upholding a kaupapa where understanding, trust, transparency and integrity are paramount.
Ka whakatupu ki te whenua ka ora ki te iwi.
Nurture the land, give life to the people.
Te Whangai fosters respect and care for the people, the land and opportunity for future generations. Our trainees all participate in the social and economic life of the Trust creating self-esteem, ownership, and a willingness to work with purpose and derive satisfaction. The exchange of life skills is inter generational, cross cultural and across social and economic sectors building understanding and connections with all members participating with pride in the social and economic life of their communities.
The concept of Whangai through collaboration empowers the community to enable its people to break dependency cycles and create a more just and fair society. introducing the concept of self responsibility and education for life. The responsibility for our people lies not solely with Government, it is also a community responsibility.
“It takes a village to raise a child.”
Our at risk and vulnerable children are a reflection of the families and communities they live in. If we change the family through pro-active community assistance, we change the environment that creates the risk for all.
Collaborative Community, Private, Corporate and Government Multi-Agency Partnership and Ownership creating a whangai system where every member of our community contributes their skills to create resources for the future and they are valued the contribution they have contributed.
The Te Whangai Pilot Scheme has expectations of the individuals within it, with frameworks based on values, ethics and integrity. There are boundaries for, and expectations of all participants, that create this sense of belonging.
Te Whangai Trustees with Minister Bennett at the NZ Steel sponsored nursery opening.
Scott Simpson, George Hawera, Maggie Barry and Ambassador Wang with some of the Te Whangai Trust trainees.
How can you help us?
Two past Te Whangai Trust members, who now hold roles in their current employment, enjoy the satisfaction of work incomes.
New Zealand is in a unique period where the percentage of population due to move into retirement is at its highest on record. While this has sent alarm bells ringing in some quarters for Te Whangai it has exciting possibilities.
Our success on the world stage as an economy is the result of the skills of the very people entering retirement. The opportunity such a high percentage of our population being in the position of passing on those skills is unprecedented.
Experienced management to organise this resource to achieve the most effective outcomes will be also need. While we have social and environmental issues facing New Zealand we also have the resources to solve those issues for the benefit of future generations.
If you have time and enjoy helping others, especially those that aren’t as fortunate, then volunteering your expertise in whatever form can only create win win win scenarios. Your chance to give something back while you can, recipients benefiting from your time helping widen opportunities with life time outcomes and future generations that will prosper from a vastly improved community and environment.
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