An image of a team enjoying a practical assignment - plant outs.

About the project

A seminar on 28 August, dedicated to beneficiaries residing in Meremere, resulted in 9 in attendance.  Of those, 8 signed up for the Whangai Programme.  Only one has failed to show at all.  The attendance rate for those attending in their first 7 days has been 79.6%.  Three trainees have 100% attendance.  We have found that these trainees are committed to finding themselves employment opportunities and are willing and able participants.  They look out for each other and have fitted into the programme and begun goal setting for their futures.


As Meremere village is located in a remote part of the district and only has 1 regular bus service in and out of town (which operates one bus every second Thursday to Pukekohe), transport to area’s with employment opportunities is a huge barrier. Despite this, they are committed to making the most of our programme which may lead to a better future for themselves and their whanau.